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Online Votingtool
Regularly security checks online voting by external parties

Over the past 24 hours, we have been asked numerous times whether we were involved in that Party Leader election of the CDA? The answer to that question is "No". We do facilitate online voting rounds for other political parties.

The NOS article explains quite well that with an average of 250 "guesses" 1 vote could be cast. A chance of 1 in 250 is of course absurdly high.

However, in addition to lowering the chance that a voting code can be guessed, there are of course other methods to increase the security of elections.

At Vote Company we regularly have the security checked by external parties. In addition, there are sometimes also clients who engage ethical hackers in the test phase of an election. For example, on June 19, an external safety report was published for We recently implemented recommendations from this and today we are also implementing a number of measures to increase the security of online voting.

Even if the members of political parties are allowed to sit close to each other in a room again, we really should not want a return to the lighting of colored voting cards and it is really not necessary!

Frequently Asked Questions

Need a quick answer? See the frequently asked questions about: creating a voting round. putting live and monitoring during the voting round, the result, security, anonymity, etc.

Call or Email us

- Is your question not among the 'frequently asked questions'?

- Would you like to discuss how you can best handle your voting?

Call +31 085 – 06 54 618 or email


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These organizations, among others, opt for safe and easy voting via Online Voting Tool:
VAB HEMAJOVDSODMVOBAEJMKNRBImperial LogisticsHV Leidsche RijnNBBUTelindusVSOAOrcaWikimedia NederlandNederland Distributie LandZetacomOvalNVOFysiogroep HaaglandenHome InsteadKNVROHolland SolarISFRVC Medical ITTri MovereUSV HerculesVCOHWVV BoniWinter Guard The Pride Huizen WSV Noord Zuid NieuwkoopEben HaezerschoolHCBDEcoburenCaecilia