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Online Votingtool

Full-service Pakket | Aanmeldformulier

Je hebt gekozen voor het Fullservice Pakket. Wat een slimme zet! Zo kan jij je focussen op alle andere zaken rondom de stemming. Wij richten de stemomgeving helemaal voor jou in. Zo zit alles 100% goed in elkaar!

  • Vul eerst onderstaande 10 vragen van het aanmeldformulier in. Bij vragen bel 085 – 06 54 618 of mail

  • Binnen x ontvang je bericht dat wij je aanvraag hebben ontvangen en er mee van start gaan

  • Binnen x ontvang je jouw login, zodat je zelf ook aan de slag kunt

Jouw input: 10 vragen over jouw stemronde

1. What name would you like to give to the voting round?

For example, ‘Works Council Election 2024’ or ‘General Meeting March 2024’. Note that this name will be visible in the URL of your voting website.

2. How many voting codes do you need?
Each eligible voter receives one unique code. The package includes 1,000 voting codes by default. It is, of course, possible to request more codes.


3. How many test voting codes do you need?
Before the official voting starts, you want to test whether everything works properly. Since you don’t want these test votes to count in the final result, you use test codes. How many test codes do you need to test?


4. How many questions or statements would you like to include in the voting round?
The package includes 3 (multiple-choice) questions/statements by default. How many questions do you want to ask in total? Not sure yet? Provide an estimate for now. We can always add or remove questions later.


5. Do you want some votes to weigh more than others?

Sometimes certain votes carry more weight. For example, the votes of the board or another specific group within the voters. Indicate what you need for this voting round. There are three options:

    •    Do all votes weigh the same? Then fill in ‘EQUAL WEIGHT’ below.
    •    Are there differences? List all variants separated by a semicolon; for example: 30 voting codes with a weight factor of 50; 150 voting codes with a weight factor of 8; etc.
    •    Not sure yet? Provide an estimate of the differences and email the exact codes and factors later.

6. What is the start date?
Provide the exact day, month, year, and time when voting can BEGIN.

Start of voting period

7. What is the end date?
Provide the exact day, month, year, and time when voting will NO LONGER be allowed.

End of voting period

8. Do you need live technical support during the voting round?
Suppose you have a live event where voting takes place. You may want the questions to only be answered after they have been discussed or explained. Or perhaps it’s necessary to add or modify questions in real time. For such situations, we offer live support.

9. Add your own logo

The voting page is styled according to Within that style, you can add your own logo. We highly recommend this because it positively impacts the recognition and reliability of the vote for the voters.

    •    Click ‘upload’ below.
    •    In the window, choose your image [read the image requirements first].
    •    Click ‘Open’.
Your image is now uploaded, and we will add it to your online voting environment.

10. Would you like us to email the codes to the eligible voters?
A unique code is generated for each eligible voter. This code, including a link to the voting page, must be emailed. If you handle it yourself, we will send you the list of codes. We can also take care of that for you if you wish. Let us know below:

--- Make a choice -- 





Frequently Asked Questions

Need a quick answer? See the frequently asked questions about: creating a voting round. putting live and monitoring during the voting round, the result, security, anonymity, etc.

Call or Email us

- Is your question not among the 'frequently asked questions'?

- Would you like to discuss how you can best handle your voting?

Call +31 085 – 06 54 618 or email


Or use the form below

Jouw contactgegevens worden alleen gebruikt om te 
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These organizations, among others, opt for safe and easy voting via Online Voting Tool:
VAB HEMAJOVDSODMVOBAEJMKNRBImperial LogisticsHV Leidsche RijnNBBUTelindusVSOAOrcaWikimedia NederlandNederland Distributie LandZetacomOvalNVOFysiogroep HaaglandenHome InsteadKNVROHolland SolarISFRVC Medical ITTri MovereUSV HerculesVCOHWVV BoniWinter Guard The Pride Huizen WSV Noord Zuid NieuwkoopEben HaezerschoolHCBDEcoburenCaecilia